Paca Pride is a Permaculture Homestead that seeks to espouse the best farm practices for the public to see in operation. Winning the coveted “Merit Farm” Award from the Conservation District in 2008 and 2012, all guests and visitors to the ranch always leave with some nugget of knowledge about Permaculture, Rotational Grazing, Animal Husbandry, Chicken Coops and Chicken Tractors, Sustainable Land Use, Low Impact Livestock, Tilth Building Strategies, and the most popular of topics: The production of Barley Fodder Micro-Greens for the herd’s feed. Farm Tours are always free to the public! Schedule your group for a visit!

Sustaining an Alpine Meadow Cycle
Nitrogen Fixers
Nutrient Accumulators
Carbon Sequesters
When we look at our pastures, we see more than just grass. Instead, we strive for a healthy mix of “nitrogen fixers”, “nutrient accumulators”, and “carbon sequesters”. That’s the lens of “Permaculture”. That’s how we build tilth on a mountain plateau, in an area known more for its quarries and gravel. Toss in a few select herbs and naturally occurring native species plants and we achieve a good balance for a meadow ecology that can support grazers. Then, rotate the herd through the pasture grazing season and maintain the meadow.

With Permaculture we apply the concept of “Edge” as we use native species like blackberry to create hedge/forage rows. The humans learn how to “nudge” the “Edges”, and we control the succession to primary forest.
Our concept of ecology extends all the way down to the microbe level. Simple practices around the barn allow us to control the good and the bad in a natural, and balanced manner. Compost is used in our gardens and grow beds and returned right back to the meadow. Our flock of chickens are indispensable in this equation. The Chicken Tractor can be seen running during grazing season following the herd and our friendly coop hens are always fun to watch at work.
All our farm practices are transparent to the public. As a demo farm, guests and visitors are able to engage and learn.
Explore our blog for many companion articles we have published:
Fodder Room
We offer “Fodder Primers” (during fodder season), a 2.5 hour seminar for those who are considering adding this strategy to their livestock operation.
Call for pricing and schedule.